As women, going on a sea of first dates can have its highs and lows. Sometimes, you meet a wonderful unicorn of a man you didn’t know existed. Other times, you wish you had the skill of someone in a heist movie and that you could disappear into the ceiling of the restaurant. While you never owe an explanation for leaving something that makes you feel uncomfortable or weird, being graceful will help you come out on top, and give you good karma.
1. Always carry cash. When you pay with card, you give the person a chance to say something, and it takes time to have the waitress come back with the machine. Just lay down money for your drink and get out of there ASAP.
2. Fake an emergency where a friend calls you. What else are friends for anyway? Have a preset plan where you have a code word, phrase, or emoji that signals to bestie it’s time for you to GTFOH.
3. Or if that’s too much effort and all your friends are tied up, come up with a good excuse. Bringing up grandmas, dead pets, and food poisoning are all great excuses that someone will have a hard time trying to fight.
4. Make sure your getaway options are accessible and reliable. If there aren’t an abundance of cabs, rideshare accessibility, or nearby train stations, then your escape route is foiled and you’ll have to get a ride home from them!
from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News
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