Sunday 1 April 2018

The Most Mysterious People To Have Ever Lived

Mystery hour, everyone! Today’s topic will be about the most mysterious people to have ever lived. Well, to have lived and made a name for themselves. I know it sounds contradictory to on the one hand be a mystery and on the other hand to make a name for yourself, but hear me out here. These were famous people that spent their lives away from the public eye, secluded in their own private world. Come, join me on a mystery ride!



Nikola Tesla
Also known as “the guy that used electricity way beyond even our current means.” His ideas weren’t deemed very popular because he wasn’t American, sadly. The Americans tried their very best to make Tesla look like a “mad scientist”, which they successfully did for quite a while.



Harry Houdini
Known for being able to escape almost everything, even the public eye! Houdini spent most of his life trying to expose mediums, which he considered to be frauds, and making life hard for his many imitators. This is also one of the reasons why he kept making his escape acts more and more extreme.

Grigori Rasputin
A Russian religious pilgrim of sorts, Rasputin gained enormous influence with the wife of Tsar Nicholas II. As his influence over the Tsar and Tsarina, he gained more power in politics. He soon became a controversial figure, becoming involved in a sharp political struggle and was eventually assassinated by Prince Felix Yusupov, among others.

from Brain Berries
via World News

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