Monday, 18 June 2018

10 Reasons Why Emma Watson Completely Vanished After Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books changed not only the lives of millions of readers, but also the careers of quite a few actors who participated in the movie franchise. Young actors like Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe, and Emma Watson started filming when they were just teenagers and finished right on the brink of adulthood. But what happened to them afterwards? We know Emma decided to continue her English Literature studies and took part in a few indie films, including The Bling Ring and Perks of Being a Wallflower, but other than that she seems to have completely disappeared from the movie world. Has Hollywood finally dropped her? Here are 10 reasons why Emma Watson completely vanished after Harry Potter.



She doesn’t like to change
Emma Watson has been famous for her unwillingness to transform for the movie roles. Do you remember Natalie Portman shaving her own head in V for Vendetta? Like, in real life? And how about Charlize Theron gaining 30 pounds to play the Oscar-winning role of Aileen Wuornos in Monster? Not to mention Christian Bale dropping more than 60 pounds for his role in The Machinist. Emma Watson, though? The girl hardly changes her looks. The most we’ve seen her do is cut her hair short!



She doesn’t show off
This might have been a good thing, but when you are a celebrity being so secretive about your persona will do more harm than good. Let’s take the Kardashian clan and their life – these people are too revealing for their own good! But that’s exactly why they have a strong following and an even stronger social media presence that makes them a force to be reckoned with. From Barack Obama and Reese Witherspoon, who don’t like them, to Jennifer Anniston and Adele, who adore them, the Kardashians matter to people and have a say in the showbiz and that’s not something we can say about Emma. She’s reserved and will never be on tabloids for weird behavior Hollywood understands that, so maybe that’s the reason she’s not appearing in more movies?


She’s a diva
Many people from Emma’s surroundings admit she often acts like she’s above everyone else. That is so out of date! Yes, we admit showbiz is packed with celebrities acting like divas 24/7. From female divas like Mariah Carey and Jennifer Lopez to male ones like Russel Crowe and Kanye West, we see fame changing people every day. But this doesn’t mean you should be like them! Being humble, funny, and witty is the new trend in Hollywood these days. Fans also love actors and actresses that are more open. Yet it seems Emma Watson doesn’t really care about that at all!



She doesn’t really stand out
As much as we love Emma Watson, there are plenty of brilliant actresses her age that are much more popular than her. Why is that? Hollywood likes diversity and uniqueness, and so does the audience. Kristen Stewart, for instance, also comes from a famous Twilight franchise, but she didn’t disappear when it finished, continuing her career. There are also actresses like Emma Stone, Elle Fanning, Brie Larson, and Jennifer Lawrence who keep on acting and getting better. For some reason we keep seeing less of Emma Watson with each passing year. Either she doesn’t really care about her career or there’s always someone better than her for the role!

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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