Friday, 15 June 2018

10 Signs He’s NOT Husband Material

Let’s face it: some men are better for staring at and having casual fun with, while others give you more of a perma-bae, husband vibe that definitely won’t ghost you. Here are some signs that he might not make the most amazing hubby.



1. He prefers to play video games and is obsessed with them over all other things, i.e it gets in the way of cleaning the house, gets in the way of his job and your alone time together



2. He stares at women when they walk by, and instead of staring deeply into your eyes on a date, he’s looking down someone’s dress too deeply to give you the time of day. We wouldn’t suggest even dating this guy, regardless of marrying him!


3. He chooses his friends over you. While you should always maintain your own friendships outside your relationship, if he’s prioritizing his boys over you before you tie the knot, you probably won’t be his priority after.



4. He doesn’t listen you and calls you a nag. While we’re all guilty of selective listening, being tuned but when you are expressing something important to you is a really bad foundation for a marriage.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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