Tuesday, 19 June 2018

6 One Ingredient Dishes

We all love foods that taste delicious and don’t take hours to prepare. What we love even more is food that require few ingredients. Be honest, how many times did you click on 5 ingredient dinners or searched for simple yet delicious 3 ingredient breakfasts? There’s nothing to be ashamed of, we totally get you. So just for you, and maybe perhaps for giggles, we present you with 6 one-ingredient dishes you can cook in a matter of minutes. They’re just simple enough to please even the laziest cooks, so enjoy!



1. Tomato Soup
They tell you that you need spices and other ingredients to make tomato soup, but in reality you can quickly make some tomato soup, or a bowl of cold gazpacho just by taking a jar of canned tomatoes and putting it in a blender for like 1 minute. Voila – it’s done.


2. Banana Ice-Cream
There’s no way you haven’t heard of this incredible one ingredient ice-cream by now. It’s all over the internet this summer. It’s healthy, it’s creamy and it’s very yummy. Just cut up some bananas, freeze them for a couple of hours and then blend them into oblivion. I swear it’s the best ice-cream you’ll ever have.

from Her Beauty https://ift.tt/2M5j7Fs
via Entertainment News

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