One famous director once said that 90% of any successful film is casting the right actor. Seems like Hollywood directors would know this truth by now, yet year after year we get incredibly stupid, and outright offensive casting announcements that can and will definitely ruin the movie they’ll be in.
Without further ado, here are the top 8 major Hollywood casting mistakes of the past 5 years.
1. Ashton Kutcher – Jobs
Such a lovable and goofy actor as Kutcher should not have been cast as our beloved tech visionary Steve Jobs. It’s not that he did a bad job, no, on the contrary, he gave one of his best performances there, but… it’s that funny guy from “Where’s My Car, Dude” and “2 and a Half Men”! We know him from the funny roles and not as a serious kick-butt guy like Jobs.
2. Emila Clarke – Solo: A Star Wars Story
Okay, Emila Clarke is amazing in Game of Thrones, no doubt, but what happened to her in Solo? She portrays Qi’ra, the lady who smashed Han Solo’s heart into smithereens, and who basically made him the outlaw smuggler we all know and love. Maybe it’s the script’s fault but I feel like she doesn’t exactly scream “love material” to me.
3. Tom Cruise – Mummy
Aside from being an enormous cash-grab The Mummy was … yeah, okay, it was pretty bad. Even Tom Cruise didn’t save that sinking ship. In the movie he plays a “young archaeologist”. Yeah right, the dude’s over 50! Anyway, the movie was filled with bad dialogues, stacks of clichés, and mediocre acting. Why would they cast Tom Cruise, though? Were they hoping for him to carry this disaster all on his own? Well, that didn’t work and minimized his stature from his many past successes.
from Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2M7qsEo
via World News
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