Tuesday, 17 July 2018

10 Worst Horror Movies Ever Made

Why do people love watching horror movies so much? Many have tried to answer that question but in the end it all boils down to getting an adrenaline shot from being scared. Every decent horror movie will find a way to tickle your nerves either during or long after you’ve watched it. But where there are good horror flicks, there are also bad ones. I mean like, virtually unwatchable turd nuggets.


Here are the 10 worst horror movies ever made!


P.S. I’ll sprinkle in some funny reviews here and there, because the trailers aren’t doing these movies justice.



1. Jaws 3-D
Remember when after watching the first Jaws you were scared of water for like a month? Oh, so it’s just me then? Fine, sure. Anyway, Jaws 3-D is the unwanted child born out of wedlock. Seriously, who asked for this, the SHARK?



2. The Fog
This “crapsterpiece”, even though it was produced by John Carpenter himself, still failed to make a single lick of sense.

3. Sharknado
What do you get when you combine tornado and sharks? That’s right, you get Sharknado! With a budget of $2 million, this SyFy “gem” became somewhat of a cult classic. This doesn’t mean it’s good, however. IMHO, the 5th movie (yes, there are 6 of them) was by far the worst, but it all started from the bottom.



4. One Missed Call
OoOooh! Voicemails, how spooky! The Ring did it first and in a much better fashion. Don’t waste your time with this one.

from Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2NRlEVr
via World News

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