Tuesday 18 September 2018

10 Things That Attract the Opposite Sex Like a Magnet

What is an attraction all about? Is it all about your looks or is there more to it than that? Most people will agree that the first thing they notice about a person is what they look like: their hair color, eye color, body proportions, their style, etc. Of course, it’s not the only thing we care about, few people are that superficial. We care about personality traits, sense of humor, character, kindness, morals and all that, but you only get to find out that after actually talking to that person and getting to know them better. But what is it that causes that initial attraction? Is there any rhyme or reason to it? Well turns out there is. There are actually a couple of things that attract us to people right away and some of them differ depending on the gender.



1. Body Language
Let’s start with something that we all have in common. Both men and women tend to gravitate towards partners with active body language, 9 times out of ten you’ll want to see that person again or strike a conversation with them. It even works with pictures too. Everyone prefers photos captured in motion rather than still posed ones.



2. Parent Lookalikes
This might sound a little creepy, but a lot of the time we pick partners that remind us of our parents. It doesn’t always mean that your partner has to visually resemble your parent, in most cases, it can be just a feature or character trait. But men tend to go for women who have similar personalities to their mothers, while women often go for the men who have the same eye color as their father.


3. Pets
This is a weird one, but women tend to find men who have pets to be more attractive than those who don’t. Specifically owning a dog seems to be a winner when it comes to capturing a woman’s heart. It probably has something to do with their ability to take care of another living creature that makes women’s hearts melt. When it comes to men though, they don’t seem to care if we women have pets or not.



4. Smell
Another strange thing that might attract us to a potential partner is their smell. Women love musky, woody smells on men, it makes them seem more manly and attractive to them. While men prefer women to smell like tasty snacks like freshly baked cookies or a nice brownie. So you know what this means ladies – go for sweet perfumes.

from Her Beauty https://ift.tt/2PO5Umm
via Entertainment News

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