Friday 21 September 2018

11 Signs You Are Dating A Control Freak

We all like to be in control of things at least to some extent. Yet when it comes to relationship it’s much harder to build them on control, distrust, and watching your partner’s every move. If you’re feeling that your boyfriend is too intrusive and wants to know literally everything about where you go, whom you talk to, and how you spend your free time that doesn’t include him – well, there’s a high chance you’re dating a control freak and things will only get worse. Here are the main 11 signs to look out for.



He thinks it’s okay to check your phone
Now here’s a red flag if we’ve ever seen one. If a guy thinks it’s totally okay (or that he has the right to) go through your things, phone call history, and messages, then he’s 100% control freak with huge trust issues. If you say it’s not okay and he doesn’t stop doing this – say bye-bye.



He tells you what to wear
If it starts feeling like you’re losing your style with his never-ending complains and advice he gives on what to wear and not to wear when you go out, then you should definitely tell him it’s too much.


He’s the one who makes all the plans
Not having to decide where to go and what to do might have been fun at first, but now it has come to a point when he decides all your social interactions for you. Maybe you wanted to go out with your friends this weekend, but he’s already planned an event of his own and you’re part of it. Non-negotiable.



He’s telling you what to eat
Your diet is a personal, intimate thing. If you’re feeling like munching on some junk food or having an extra large cup of coffee – it’s your choice and he’s not the one to judge it! We are what we eat and if he’s trying to tell you what to eat it this means he’s trying to control your entire life.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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