Thursday 27 September 2018

6 Habits That Prevent You From Losing Weight Even On The Best Diet

Everyone says abs are made in the kitchen, and while that’s true, there are other things that influence your weight loss. Yes, eating healthy is a surefire way to get on the right track and lose some fat, but you also have to remember that while a good diet is about 90% of your success, the other 10% matter too. And we’re not even talking about weight lifting or high-intensity interval training here. There are certain lifestyle things you might just not be paying attention to that are standing in the way of you becoming your best self. Let’s talk about that.



1. Not Getting Enough Sleep
You can sleep the average 8 hours that a human usually needs to function properly, but if the quality of your sleep isn’t good it doesn’t matter how many hours you spend in bed. Your body feels stressed when you don’t get a good rest and instead of shedding weight, will pile it on, to protect itself. So consider changing up your routine, finding ways to unwind before bed or look into melatonin sleep supplements.


2. Sleeping In A Very Warm Room
We all know that our body is capable of burning fat even while we sleep, but the perfect room temperature for that is 17C or 63F. If you’re used to sleeping in a room that’s warmer then that or wear warm pajamas and then cover yourself with a warm duvet – you’re preventing your body from doing that. However, don’t just lower the thermostat immediately, that’ll only cause you to have sleep problems. Instead, try lowering the temperature gradually, one degree at a time.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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