Thursday 6 September 2018

7 Movie Scenes That Took Incredibly Long to Film

So many things can go wrong while filming a movie. Actors can get injured, set pieces can come apart, and most often than not directors will take hundreds or even thousand takes of a single scene to make everything look perfect. The cast and staff members hate repeating the same scene over and over, but art requires sacrifices, and in the end we, the viewers, will get to see something marvelous!


Here are 7 movie scenes that took incredibly long to film.



1. Deep Action in Helm’s Deep
Peter Jackson’s legendary trilogy about a certain Ring is definitely a fan favorite, and it’s not just because the story was written by Tolkien. Turning text into reality was no small feat for Jackson and his crew, but one of the most prominent scenes in the second movie was the incredible Battle of Helm’s Deep. This bombastic conflict lasted for 40 minutes and was filmed over 90 days, or should I say nights. That’s right, 3 months of shooting in torrential downpours resulted in mere 40 minutes of screentime.



2. Toby’s Real-Life Spidey Sense
Remember that canteen scene in Sam Raimi’s 2002 Spider-Man? Yeah, yeah, the one where he catches all the food on the tray while also balancing Mary-Jane. Just like most of the fans I thought this was some camera trickery or just plain old CGI, but, as it turns out, I was wrong. It took Toby 156 takes to nail that scene.

3. A Titanic Budget Stretch
We all know the tragic story of the R.M.S. Titanic, and most of you have probably seen James Cameron’s take on that disaster. Because of his dedication to the craft and an ever-expanding production budget, the movie’s release was pushed almost 6 months. What can you say, this ambitious project just kept sucking the resources from Fox and Universal, until it became the most expensive movie ever made at the time. Luckily, it was all worth the wait in the end! And as to the hardest scene to shoot, there wasn’t one, but Cameron went underwater to visit the real shipwreck countless times, to get all the details right.

from Brain Berries
via World News

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