Saturday 15 September 2018

The Ultimate Guide To Healthy Greens (And How To Eat Them!)

All know that greens are good for health and most of you are probably already eating some of them with healthy smoothies or in spicy stir fries. Spinach and kale have been on the radar of healthy food activists for a long time now, but not many of you know that the world of leafy greens is much, much more than that. Chard, arugula, bok choy, dandelion – the list goes on almost endlessly! Not all greens are created equal and not all of them you should consume raw. That’s right, cooking your spinach will give it a necessary twist for your body to absorb all the nutrients it contains. And that’s not all! Here’s your ultimate guide to leafy greens and how to eat them.



Bok Choy
Bok choy is an Asian leafy green that is packed with yummy and healthy goods. It promotes healthy gut and produces anti-inflammation substances as well as allergy-fighting compounds. Usually bok choy leaves are quite tough, which makes them perfect for juicing. One of the best ways to benefit from that is combine bok choy leaves with ginger and apple for a kickass detox juice. For salads and , it’s best to use baby bok choy as it is softer and easier to chew.



Collard greens
If you’re vegetarian or vegan you’ve probably faced the protein problem. Are we getting enough and what do we eat to get our daily dose? Well, you need to worry no more because a cup of collard greens packs 5 grams of protein as well as other nutritious goodies like B6 vitamins that prevent cancer, calcium, and tryptophan that will make you sleep like a baby. You can turn collard greens into chips, just like you do with kale, and eat them however you want. They’re also great as a midnight snack!


Not many healthy eaters think about it, but arugula can actually be a substitute for baby spinach in many dishes. Wilt it, cook it into soups, frittatas, and risottos – the taste will be flavourful with a bit of a bite in the end. What makes arugula so good apart from being yummy? It’s a source of manganese, vitamins A, C, K and bunch of other antioxidants, all of which help with protecting the bones.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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