Sunday, 23 December 2018

7 Ways to Add a Little (or A Lot) of Boho Style To Your Living Room

Boho gets a lot of bad rep for no good reason. It mainly comes from people misinterpreting what Boho style actually is, what it represents and where it even came from. So let’s first try to dig deep and get to the roots of Boho style, shall we? The term “boho” comes from the word ‘bohemian’ which is associated with an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people and with few permanent ties. Throughout history this word was used to describe artists, painters, writers or musicians, who in turn were generally quite poor and often lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving from city to city. This kind of lifestyle led to people collecting various items, mismatched pieces of furniture and other random keepsakes and mementos from their adventures and contributed to their homes looking quite interesting and what we now call bohemian. So how does one add some boho style to their living room? It’s actually quite easy.



1. Patterns
The easiest way to add some boho style to your living room is to add some patterns. Mix and match various colors and patterns, it’s all about being creative. And since we’re not concerned with matching colors or patterns you can grab some random throw pillows and that rug that’s on sale.



2. Books
Bohemian style is all about culture, and for that you need books. Display them on your bookshelves, in stacks around the room, with lots of magazines thrown on table tops. Why keep them hidden in closets gathering dust when they could serve as both entertainment and accessorize your living space.

3. Art
Nothing says “bohemian” more than having lots of art displayed around the room. Paintings, photographs, posters, anything and everything. Frame them, tape them to the wall, blue tack them, it doesn’t matter. A gallery wall without a particle theme is exactly what you’re going for. Every wall is a gallery wall.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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