Tuesday, 8 January 2019

10 Easy Tips For Getting Back In Shape After The Christmas Holidays

Holidays are finally over and the guilt starts slowly creeping in every time you put something on your plate. But don’t worry, getting back in shape after Christmas holidays is easier than you think especially if you stay positive about the whole thing. You might have gone a little bit over the top with all those yummy snacks and family dinners with your Mom’s delicious home recipes, so what? That’s what holidays are made for! Now it’s time to jump back into your skinny jeans and here are 10 easy tips that will help you do that.



Get rid of guilt
What’s done is done. It doesn’t matter how many pounds you’ve gained – just let it go. It’s the first step that is essential to getting back in shape after the Christmas holidays. Beating yourself up won’t help you feel or look better, so why do it at all?



Be realistic
You might be tempted to rush into the gym and sign up for a one year fitness programme, but this is the time when you should be realistic about what you can do. Look at your schedule and see how many hours you can spare for fitness and workout. You can start doing some workout at home, which will make it easier to plan around your daily activities.

Don’t give up on food
You may want to stop eating altogether (or less than you’re used to), but this will only make your cravings more severe. What you should do is create a healthy eating schedule with foods that will help you shed those unwanted pounds. It may take longer to prepare, but at least you’ll know that every time you eat it makes you one step closer to getting back in shape!



Get moving
Holidays aren’t really about moving a lot, but if you want to burn that belly fat it’s time to start moving again. Do what you are most comfortable with – walk, dance, exercise, go skiing, skating, or visit a swimming pool. Do whatever you want as long as it keeps you excited about moving more!

from Her Beauty http://bit.ly/2Rf8838
via Entertainment News

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