Wednesday, 13 February 2019

10 Female TV Characters Who Are Great Role Models To You

It’s true that the media and what we see on television can greatly effect our self image and feeling of worthiness. Lucky for us, between Victoria’s Secret runway shows, we have some incredibly empowering women gracing our screens and acting as our role models.



1. Olivia Benson, Law & Order SVU
Starring in over 403 episodes of the famous franchise, Olivia is tough and takes no guff from anyone. She always cuts straight to the truth as she fights for justice of sexual assault victims and other downtrodden folks, reminding them they can overcome anything and are worthy of love.



2. Leslie Knope, Parks & Recreation
When this show came to an end, feminists all over the world wept. This gal has a love for democracy, female empowerment, equality, and Elizabeth Warren. She was the first female city council member in Pawnee, after all.

3. Lisa Simpson, The Simpsons
Lisa was first female role model for many of us, coming to TVs around the world in 1989. She’s honest, fearless, and plays a mean sax. She calls out society for its vanity and expectations of women, and was the most futuristic feminist in the Simpsons, carving the way for us.



4. Dana Scully, The X-Files
Dana was all over this 1990s FBI show, and slayed in alien hunting skills. She was also a medical trained doctor and one of the only women in a mostly male workforce. Even, so she was never intimidated by a man, and called Fox or anyone else on their mansplaining when she needed to.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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