Sunday 17 March 2019

10 Ways To Maximize Your After-Work Time

How many times have you fallen into a coma in front of a TV trying to shake off the stress of the work day? Probably, a lot. Netflix may seem like a cool option to blow the steam off, but it will do you more harm than good in the long run. A healthy after-work routine is a straight road to success, mental stability, career growth, and overall happiness. If you look at the most successful people – they are always on the go, involved in various things. If it’s not work, then it’s yoga, workout, a night out with friends or something just as entertaining. Here are 10 ways to maximize your after-work time.



Look for inspiration and new experiences

Scheduling your after-work time is one thing, but you should also leave some space for adventure, travelling, and exploration. Look for inspiration in the most unexpected places. If you’re a musician, go to an art gallery; if you’re an IT specialist, got to a concert. This will help you relax, unwind, and will definitely inspire you with new ideas.



This one is obvious, but we can’t emphasize it enough – moving is life! Whether you want to be successful, healthy, happy, or all of the above, then you should definitely start running or going to the gym, doing yoga, or taking dance classes. This is especially important if you work in an office!




Learn to say ‘no’

Your after-work time is precious and, frankly speaking, there’s not much of it. Learn to focus on the things and people you truly care about instead of saying ‘yes’ to every friendly request or proposal to go get a drink at the bar. It’s important not to spread yourself thin, especially if apart from work you have a hobby you’re really into or an evolving relationship with a person you really like.


Have 30 minutes all to yourself
Whether you have a busy after-work schedule or just came back home from work and want to do a few chores, take a few minutes to relax with a cup of hot tea or cocoa. Spending some time alone with yourself helps you keep track of things that are happening in your life. It also reduces stress levels and just helps your mind and body relax a little before starting something new. Remember, simply ‘being’ is just as important as ‘doing’!

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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