Monday 25 March 2019

20 Mind-Bending Ads That Will Make You Look Twice


Ads are everywhere these days. But great ads are a rare sight. Sometimes while strolling down the street you’ll suddenly stumble upon an image with some text, and you’ll think to yourself “man, what a clever ad”. Congrats, you’ve just been hooked! First impression is a huge deal when it comes to advertising. If the ad doesn’t catch your eye in the first 2 seconds, chances are you’re not the target audience.


Here is a mix of mind-bending product and PSA ads that will make you take a second look!



1. Use the frame to your advantage.


2. Cheapest lightsaber effect you can afford? Easy!


3. This is very creative, without a shadow of a doubt.


4. The colors will make your ad pop, plus the WTF factor.



5. Do you think those are real dollars in there?


6. I’ll leave this one for you to decode *wink-wink*


7. While this is a clever ad, did they have to ruin a perfectly fine park bench?

from Brain Berries
via World News

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