Saturday, 30 March 2019

Star Wars Movies Ranked Best To Worst


The Skywalker Saga is about to end late this year with the upcoming episode IX. Seems like the perfect time to review over 30 years of pop culture and see where the bar was raised and where we kind of wished the movie would’ve stayed in a galaxy far, far away.


It’s time to do the impossible and put all the Star Wars movies in a list, from best to worst.



Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
In terms of world shaping and evolving the story, this movie was the best bar none. We saw Yoda train Luke, we saw Luke confront Darth Vader, we saw Han Solo get frozen – but not before having Leia confess her love. Every character got some development time in this one, and it’s still a classic film until this day.


Episode IV: A New Hope
This movie was responsible for creating a universe that has amazed people of all ages for over 30 years. While the first movie didn’t really do anything special story-wise, it was worth a watch and has held up great after all this time.



Episode VII: The Force Awakens
In terms of originality, this movie probably should’ve ended up a lot lower on this list since it’s just episode IV in a more modern setting. That said, it was probably the best Star Wars movie in over 20 years.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Honestly, this was quite a breath of fresh air! The fan service was a bit much at times, but the movie was a solid spy movie and we finally got to see Darth Vader go to town on some rebel troopers. Also, we learn a lot more about the Death Star which is always a good thing.

from Brain Berries
via World News

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