Friday, 29 March 2019

Top 10 Most Badass TV And Movie Characters of All Time


Many of us like adventure films of TV shows for the simplicity of the plot, dynamic action, and the ability to entertain the viewers, without making us strain our brains too much. A plot twist here and there, huge explosions, monstrous creatures, and an adrenaline-filled car chase are everything our growing body needs to survive. We also love watching the main hero or heroine overcome the obstacles, slay the monster, or punish the big bad guy. It’s just very cathartic, especially if the movie or show depicts them as a badass from start to finish.


Here are top 10 most badass TV and movie characters of all time!



1. Jon Snow – Game of Thrones
A bastard born out of wedlock. The son of Ice-cold Starks and flaming-hot Targaryens. The man, the myth, the legend – Jon Snow. This man who knows nothing, has managed to unite armies of wildlings, ice giants, and humans to defend the entire Westeros from the invasion of the White Walkers. If that doesn’t scream “badass”, I don’t know what does.


2. Arya Stark – Game of Thrones
She was just a wee girl when her father, Ned Stark, lost his head and her own sister was forced to do nasty things for the future king of Westeros Geoffrey. Thankfully, she did not give up right then and there. Instead she swore to kill everyone on her little hit-list that she’d recite before bed every night. Guess what, half, if not more, of them are already dead! The last season cannot come fast enough…



3. John Constantine – Constantine
Let’s do some magic! Whether you prefer the Keanu Reeves movie version or Matt Ryan’s TV version, the character of John Constantine is truly one of the most complex and badass on this list. Constantine tricked the Devil and God, and now he can’t go to either hell or heaven because they just won’t let him in, basically making him immortal. How’s that for playing with fire?


4. Eleven – Stranger Things
Elle or Eleven, is the youngest badass on this list, but she’s done more than enough to be here. In case you haven’t seen Stranger Things yet, just skip this one for now. The rest of you already know that Elle has telekinetic powers which she used to kill the Demogorgon in season 1 and stop the Shadow Tentacle Monster in season 2. With season 3 coming out this July, who knows what she’ll do next!

from Brain Berries
via World News

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