Monday, 1 April 2019

12 Bad Dating Habits To Avoid


Dating is a process that some adore and others loathe. You’re getting to know new people, and in the process, you’re picking up some social habits – some good, and others bad. Here are the worst dating habit red flags that you should be aware of.



1. Being overly self-conscious and too self-aware. It’s natural to be nervous when It comes to dating; you’re in a vulnerable position! But try to focus on the positive as opposed to if you’re eating messy, if you think your arms look fat, or if you forgot mints. Chill out, be yourself, and don’t worry about perfection.


2. Saying sorry too much. Don’t apologize for how you eat or anything else! This shows a low sense of self-worth and an inability to set boundaries. Of course, if you bump into someone hard or spill their drink, you can apologize, but pick and choose!



3. Set a plan for your greeting and exit manner. There’s nothing more embarrassing than an unsuccessful handshake-hug-back pat fusion. Stick with one and be decisive to avoid awkwardness. If things go well, a light hug is usually a fine way to say goodbye.


4. Complaining all the time or talking negatively about others. Rather than finding everything that’s wrong with a situation, make a couple of jokes or comments and don’t drag it out. If you do, your cloud of cynicism will taint your experience.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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