Friday 12 April 2019

Asian Supermarket Comes Up With A Brilliantly Simple Solution To Avoid Plastic


If you think you’ve heard enough depressing things about the state of the environment – I’m with you. There’s a lot of horrible news concerning global warming, oil spills, holes in the ozone layer and I don’t know about you but it makes me feel sad and helpless. However, a shop in Thailand is giving us hope. This Asian supermarket called Rimping has taken a massive step to reduce environmental pollution – they’ve stopped using plastic.


And we’re not talking about the classic option of charging for plastic bags to discourage use, or offering paper bags instead of plastic ones. This supermarket went a step further. They’ve stopped using plastic packaging for their products and instead they use banana leaves as packaging.



It’s kind of like going back to the old days before plastic was even a thing. It’s such a simple yet genius solution. Think about it, no one really needs to package fruits and veggies in plastic. It’s only done because it’s cheap and makes it easier to transport the produce, but plastic takes thousands of years to break down, it leaves behind harmful toxins, poisons the soil and water while it rots in landfills and only a very small portion of it will be recycled.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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