Monday 24 February 2020

9 Things that Guys Fear the Most

We guys might leave the impression that we are strong, confident and even invincible, but when it comes down to it, we’re just as fearful as kittens when it comes to some matters. In fact, whether it’s relationships, work, or animals, we can be downright cowards. But we aren’t apologizing for it because we’re only human. With that in mind, here’s a look at the 10 things that scare men the most. 

9. Commitment

When a guy finds himself in a committed relationship, it’s no longer all about him. Now he actually has to tidy up his place, including making sure the Frisbees that he uses as nacho plates are properly washed. It also means less time for drinking pretentious apricot spice IPA craft beer with the guys, and more time being tender with the girlfriend he met on Tinder. Want to watch the Broncos game? Too bad. She wants to watch the Kardashians. That’s called compromise, so get used to it. Other things you’ll need to remember to do: Shave off that weird goatee thing. Iron your shirts for a change. Protect her by killing that little moth on the ceiling. All of this feels scary as hell…and it is!!!

8. Job Security

You’re a guy with a wife, two children, a mortgage, and all sorts of other responsibilities. And probably a sports gambling addiction, although you insist things are under control now. So it’s understandable to feel anxious during times of financial and economic uncertainty. You’re just another cog in the machine called “Harvey-Millford Cardboard Manufacturing Inc., Accounts Receivable Department.” If you get laid off – or worse, people stop ordering cardboard from your employer and the entire company goes under – you could find yourself in dire straits. Or even drumming for the rock group Dire Straits. Yikes! Their music was cool in the 80s, but what have they done lately? 

7. Fatherhood

When you’re a dad, you want the best for your children. Failure is not an option, and this can be terrifying. For instance, what happens if Little Suzie only gets a 90% on her 2nd-grade math problem set? She can probably kiss those Harvard dreams goodbye. Think your 10-year-old son is going to be the next LeBron James? Timmy Jr’s shooting mechanics are atrocious, and his inability to defend the paint and pull down rebounds is pathetic, so good luck with that! 

The post 9 Things that Guys Fear the Most appeared first on Brain Berries.

from Brain Berries
via World News

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