Thursday 30 July 2020

7 Actors Who Should Play Superheroes

Comic book movies are probably the most popular genre in today’s Hollywood. At least they used to be, back when we were allowed to go to the movies. They’re generally great box office hits and have a huge fan base. But even comic book movies would fall flat without the big names in the cast. Armed with this knowledge, the studios are doing everything they can to attract famous actors. Even though we are already swamped with A-listers in Marvel and DC movies, there are still some amazing actors who deserve to get a piece of that cake, too.

Here are seven actors who should play superheroes!

1. Ryan Gosling

After only hearing his name, tell me he doesn’t deserve to be a Daredevil or the Human Torch! He’s got the jawline to play batman himself if he wanted to, so a blind vigilante is a no-brainer. And as to the Human Torch, he’s always been a womanizer in the comics, and, honestly, Ryan could play this role with his hands tied behind his back.

2. Leonardo DiCaprio

Over the past decade, Leonardo DiCaprio has evolved from an eternally promising handsome actor to one of the greatest stars in Hollywood. When it comes to comic book movies, he almost got to play Spider-Man once, and Joel Schumacher invited him to be Robin in the Batman franchise. But DiCaprio rejected both of these proposals, saying he was not ready. Do you think he is ready now? Just imagine him as the Green Lantern. He’s perfect! And I’m sure Ryan Reynolds wouldn’t mind.

3. Tom Hardy

Hardy is another great talent that has unfolded in recent years. He is capable of portraying completely different roles. Sure, he’s already played Bane and Venom, but he can do much more than that. We would love Tom to play Spider-Jerusalem, an iconic character from the indie comic book Transmetropolitan. He’s a gonzo journalist, drug addict, alcoholic, and he swears as if his life depends on it, trying to fight corrupt politicians and dirty cops. Look it up!

The post 7 Actors Who Should Play Superheroes appeared first on Brain Berries.

from Brain Berries
via World News

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