Friday 23 April 2021

25 Dog Breeds That Might Cause Your Homeowners Insurance To Skyrocket

Unfortunately, the price of your homeowner insurance depends greatly on what breed of dog you have. The reason for these companies denying insurance is a result of risk evaluation — those dog breeds that pose a higher risk will entail a higher insurance price — these blacklisted breeds are often ones that are regarded as more aggressive, a risk to children, or unusually disobedient, all of which can lead to an accident. Here are the top 25 dog breeds which might just hike that rate. 

1. Akita

Japan’s national dog is high up on the list of no-nos when it comes to homeowner insurance. They’re known as being extremely dominant, and used to hunt a range of animals throughout history — even bears. Akitas are fiercely loyal, but need to be secured at all times and trained, with regular training incorporated to avoid accidents. 

2. Mastiff

Although they’re mostly gentle giants, your everyday English mastiff can weight up to 230 pounds, meaning that if you lose control over it, it can easily overpower you. When these big canines aren’t a huge risk with other dogs, their large size alone makes them hard to control if something does happen.

3. Chow Chow

These guys might look like fluffy stuffed animals, but they’ve been known to accidentally hurt kids, and require owners with a sense of power, which can be hard for young children to convey. They can also get very attached to their parents and protective over their family, causing danger to strangers who approach.

4. American Pit Bull Terrier

Although Pit Bulls are commonly misunderstood, it’s usually due to the owner. When handled correctly, pitties are perfectly calm and well-behaved. But if a Pit Bull is left untrained and is improperly trained, it can pose a threat that’s often uncontrollable, especially due to the breed’s natural strength. 

5. Bullmastiff

These dogs are big, but think they’re a small terrier, which can lead to some potential issues such as knocking own kids or being aggressive towards other dogs. If they are rescued or adopted as adult dogs, training is very difficult — the earlier, the better. 

6. Presa Canario

These beautiful pups need to be socialized and made obedient early on, especially given that the Presa Canario was first developed to protect livestock by attacking wild dogs that endangered their herd. When it’s not given the exercise it needs, fatal consequences can happen.

7. Cane Corso 

The Cane Corso, aka the Italian Mastiff, needs tons of socialization and extensive training. Not just to avoid aggressive behavior, but to avoid skittishness. These dogs, as intimidating as they look, can be quite nervous, and if they get caught off guard, they’ll easily drag you away with them — and whatever’s in their way! 

8. Great Dane

Just like the Cane Corso, Great Danes are easily spooked. Handsome as they are, they require serious coaching when it comes to being domesticated, and usually require supervision around dogs and kids, leading to negligent behavior on the owner’s part. As always, uneutered dogs pose a greater risk.

9. Doberman Pinscher

Dobermans were bred as guard dogs in Germany back in the day. While breeders have worked to make sure these dogs are calm and stable, there have been cases of Doberman dogs attacking kids, and even if the fault is on the owners for the dog’s bad behavior, insurance companies don’t see it this way. 

The post 25 Dog Breeds That Might Cause Your Homeowners Insurance To Skyrocket appeared first on Brain Berries.

from Brain Berries
via World News

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