Wednesday, 18 July 2018

10 Unusual Things We Would Only See In Japan

Every country has their oddities, but Japan takes the cake in multiple categories, possibly winning the award for weirded country. You’ll experience no culture shock like you will in this totally unique and fascinating place, and these surreal inventions you can only find there prove it.



1. Blue Traffic Lights
Elsewhere, we have green, yellow, and red. But in Japan, instead of a distinctly green light they now have distinctly blue lights where potential driver’s test takers have to utilize blue in their vision test, not green! So edgy.



2. Elevator Girls
Elevator girls aren’t a thing in the states, but they are very much so in the land of Japan. Yup, just like the olden days, in modern-day Japanese department stores, girls in special uniforms wearing white gloves speak in a high, melodic pitch. Feels like a movie, right?


3. High Tech Toilets
This is the stuff that we dream of when we have lottery fantasies, right? These fancy and expensive toilets have warm seats, music for privacy, and newer, spaceship-like models even have an endless amount of buttons and functions to cater to everyone’s TMI needs.



4. Eternal Bubble Wrap
Eternal bubble wrap lets you pop the bubble wrap in a box… forever. Everyone knows that popping bubble wrap is the most satisfying think ever and you can do it for hours. “Eternal Poppety-Pop” is a toy only in Japan that constantly refills bubbles in a bubble sheet wrap for just 8 bucks.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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