Wednesday 13 February 2019

Never EVER Surf During A Polar Vortex. Why?

If you’re getting chills down your spine and start shivering by just glancing at these photos, go grab yourself a hot cup of tea and let’s continue.


So, you saw two dudes with ice in their beards, swimming in -30 degree weather, and you automatically think they’re crazy, huh? Well, you and me both but, as it turns out, they’re not that bonkers after all!


One of them is Daniel Schetter , also known as “Surfer Dan”, the other dude is Allen Finau. As you can guess from Dan’s moniker, the dude loves surfing. Probably he has never missed a single wave in his life. That’s why he wasn’t going to tarnish that outstanding record just because some polar vortex came into town and froze everything to bits. Fortunately for us, a nature and wildlife photographer Devon Hains was there to capture this frosty madness on lake Mitchigan.



1. That’s him! That’s Surfer Dan! … or one of the White Walkers.



2. The three Ice-keteers. Even with that face mask you can tell that the photographer wasn’t feeling well.



3. Just imagine how cold it is. It makes me feel bad.

4. Marvelous facial icicles, my dude! Wonder how long it took him to thaw it off.



5. Do you see a man here or a human icicle? Holy crap, it’s Steve Rogers!

from Brain Berries
via World News

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