Sunday, 31 March 2019

12 Things No Woman Should Have To Apologize For


Women statistically apologize more than men. Does this mean that we do more things wrong or that we actually have more to apologize for? No. It’s just that for centuries we were not allowed to do a lot of things and were taught to feel guilty for stepping out of line. These days we have more rights, more opportunities and we’d like to think we’re on the way to equality, but old habits die hard and we still have days where we act like Vanya from the Umbrella Academy and feel the need to apologize for everything. Let’s put a stop to this. Sure, if you’ve hurt someone or were rude or did something wrong – you should apologize. But here are 12 thinks no woman should have to apologize for.



1. Saying NO
It’s weird how hard it can sometimes be to say no. And not only to a date, but to a friend asking a favor, a colleague asking to help with some work, to all sort of requests. Sometimes we agree to things because we feel like doing whatever is asked of us is easier than saying no. But saying no to something you don’t want to do is fine, and you shouldn’t feel guilty or want to apologize for it.


2. Turning Down A Date
If you don’t want to go out with someone you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. You’re not friendzoning anyone, that’s a made up concept. You’re not letting anyone down. You’re just being honest and that’s nothing to be sorry about.



3. Putting Yourself First
Women are generally very empathetic so when someone feels bad or asks for their help we come running. But remember you can’t help anyone if you don’t help yourself first. So remember that you should always put yourself first and that’s fine.


4. Loving Your Body
Stop apologizing for being too big or too skinny or too whatever. It’s your body and you should love it no matter what. It’s not bad to want to improve it, but you definitely shouldn’t be sorry for loving it the way it is at any moment.

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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