Saturday, 30 March 2019

80s Are Back: 7 Makeup Looks You Should Try ASAP


Trends tend to repeat themselves, so no wonder that the craziness of the 80s is making a comeback. Those were the days of gaudy colours, mad hairstyles, crazy outfits, and bling bling worthy of a modern rapper. You may or may not be the fan of 80s, but we assure you some of the looks that are coming back will make you want to try them immediately. Without further ado, here are 7 makeup looks from the 80s you should try ASAP.



Blue eyeshadow
It’s go big or go home when it comes to 80s fashion and makeup trends. You don’t have to pair it with a neon yellow skirt and a pink blouse, because that would be a little bit too much. What you can do is use blue eyeshadow to create a classy evening look or use it every day with your casual outfit for an extra boost of fashion.


The sharper your eyeliner – the better! It’s here again to make you feel strong and confident. Although, we must admit, eyeliner never truly went away. It’s the most essential part of a woman’s makeup!



Thick eyebrows
Did you noticed that we slowly drifted from the plucked out eyebrows of the 90s to a more natural and appealing eyebrow look that is all the rage right now? If not, then we assure you this is happening right now. Thick full brows are hard to beat right now!

from Her Beauty
via Entertainment News

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